Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

Nature Transformation and Collaboration Techniques

Nature Transformation

Wind Release Rasengan
Naruto using the Wind Release: Rasengan.
After failing to bring Sasuke back to Konoha for the second time, Naruto went through elemental training where he discovered that he had an affinity for Wind Release. By incorporating his wind affinity with the Rasengan, which was originally intended to be combined with an element, he greatly increased the technique's power and range. The wind nature compliments a fighter like Naruto, as the wind nature is a great match for short-range fighters. By focusing his wind chakra, Naruto can go as far as cutting objects with just his chakra. During his training to use his Wind Release, Asuma Sarutobi taught him how to channel it through his weapons.
Naruto had learned nature transformation to upgrade his Rasengan, which he achieved with the Wind Release: Rasengan and then took it even further by creating the Rasenshuriken, combining peak levels of both shape and nature manipulation originally deemed impossible without natural talent or instinct. The Rasenshuriken was capable of slicing into the victim and cutting them at a cellular level faster than a Sharingan can see it. However, it caused similar damage to his own arm, as it was still a hand-held technique, despite its name. After his senjutsu training, he completed the Rasenshuriken. He could increase its power and attack radius, to the point where he could completely shred the Human Path to pieces leaving only a portion of its body behind.[116] When thrown, the Rasenshuriken becomes Naruto's quickest attack with its speed being so great that it could cross an entire mountain range in a single second, and explode with enough force to fill up nearly half that area. In the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, Naruto can also create a miniature Rasenshuriken, using two small chakra arms on his forefinger.

Collaboration Techniques

Water and Wind
Naruto and Gamatatsu using their Wind Release: Toad Gun.
Collaboration Techniques entail techniques that are comprised of at least two or more techniques that, when initiated with the right timing, one will feed into each other to become a technique of greater power than the sum of its parts. Naruto was introduced to the subject by Jiraiya in the anime, in order for him to synchronise with a toad, and develop a collaboration technique. Naruto eventually managed to synchronise with Gamakichi and Gamatatsu developing the Wind Release: Toad Gun, and the stronger Wind Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet. The stronger version had enough power to temporarily knock out theThree-Tails. Naruto has also done collaboration techniques with bothGamabunta and Yamato.

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